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Zasady nocowania na rzece Czasy połowów i amp; Informacja,

Przewiń w dół, aby zarezerwować sesję nocną

Rezerwacje na całą noc obowiązują przez 24 godziny od 12:00 do 12:00 następnego dnia

W przypadku sesji 48-godzinnych należy zarezerwować dwie noce.

Możesz ustawić kołek nocny w dowolnym momencie po godzinie 12:00 na sesję nocną,

Ale musisz być przygotowany PRZED ZMROKIEM.   

i opuścić wodę do godziny 12 w południe po zakończeniu sesji.

Rezerwacji można dokonać z 5-dniowym wyprzedzeniem lub do godziny 18:00 w dniu sesji.


a) Night fishing session can be booked below and can be booked up to five days in advance. Once booked if you cannot make it to your booked session, please cancel it on the website so another anger can book the space. 

Up to 48 Hour Sessions are allowed, if fishing 48 hours please book for two nights.

Special rules apply to the River Severn click here for River Severn Rules



b) Adult members (Age 18 & over) may take a junior member (age 12-17) night fishing with them, but the junior must fish in the same peg as the adult, and only 1 rod is allowed for each adult and junior. Juniors may fish their own peg, but must purchase a night sticker, and must be booked on by the accompanying adult as per current rules. Juniors under 12 are not permitted to night fish any waters without explicit written consent from the committee.

You can download the consent form from the website and submit it for approval.


c) Members must be in possession of their WDAA permit with a night sticker stuck inside the back cover of your permit.


d) No members are allowed on the waters before 12 noon and must vacate their peg by 12 noon the next day

or at the end of the session if 48 hours.


e) Spectators are allowed to accompany anglers whilst night fishing but they must be in possession of a Spectator Permit

with a night Sticker attached inside the rear cover of the Spectator permit,

Spectators do not need to book a night session for any waters.


f) Carp may be retained for up to 30 minutes to allow for fish recovery.

Retention for any other purpose including Photography is NOT allowed.

Carp may NOT be taken or transferred to other waters for any reason. 


g) Torches are allowed to be used during the night, but their use must be kept to a minimum.

Please keep lights and torches off as much as possible, to avoid spooking fish, annoying other anglers, or local residents.


h) Night fishing should only be carried out using a shelter designed for fishing. i.e.,  NO TENTS.

Bivvies are NOT allowed on the River Severn


i) All other WDAA rules still apply. Click here  for general rules 

All anglers are expected NOT to leave the venue during unsociable hours except in serious emergency situations.


Anglers must pay attention to the match fixtures when planning to night fish the River Weaver and

choose a suitable area away from the match. No night fishing on the Red lion, aerosol and marina lengths.

Booking on is NOW required on the River Weaver sections that allow night fishing.

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Należy pamiętać, że godzina 18:00 podana na każdej sesji jest ostatnim czasem, w którym można zarezerwować sesję nocną

Wszystkie sesje trwają 24 godziny i trwają od 12:00 do 12:00 następnego dnia

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