Angling Development Junior Match Series Presentation Evening
2022 was the first year of our Junior presentations we aim to hold one each year around September time.
Find below information about last years presentation where all the juniors got prizes, there was a raffle with plenty of angling prizes.
On September 2nd Winsford & District AA and Middlewich Joint Anglers held a buffet party and presentation for our junior anglers and their families. This was made possible by a number of very generous donations, ensuring that all the anglers went home laden with prizes.
Our sincere thanks go to:
Dave’s of Middlewich
Fowles Funeral Services
CW Estate Agents
Cllr. Ernie Welch
Mather Tiling & Plumbing
Our thanks also to Rebecca Hull of ‘Top Of The Market’ Cafe for doing such a superb job of the catering.
We were honoured to have the Mayor of Winsford Cllr. Joanne Moorcroft, as our guest of honour, to present the prizes.
In the 17 years and under age group the prize winners were:
Shaun Harris in first place. Max Reid in second place. Aidan Foster in third place.
Special prizes were also awarded to Max Reid and to Matty Banks for their dedication and positive approach, and to Charlie Parkinson for being the most improved angler in the older age group.
Matty Banks
In the younger age group Dominic Griffin achieved first place
Dominic Griffin
Charlie Mitchell
was second, and was also awarded the
prize for most improved angler in his age group.
There was a three-way tie for third place with Eric Forbes, Jack Fray and Rocco Smith all achieving the same number of points.
Everyone who took part was awarded a special Winsford & District mug featuring the Association’s logo and their name, plus a tackle voucher for Dave’s of Middlewich and a goody bag containing items of terminal tackle.
Another highlight of the evening was a raffle, which raised an amazing £200 towards future angling development activities. A huge thank you to all who donated items of tackle, in particular Wayne Robinson who donated a lovely pair of carp rods as the main prize.
Finally a big thank you to everyone who came along and helped to make this such a special and memorable evening.
Mark Leathwood and his Team